/* eslint-disable ember/avoid-leaking-state-in-ember-objects */
/* eslint-disable ember/use-ember-get-and-set */
import Component from "@ember/component";
import { computed } from "@ember/object";
import { isEmpty } from "@ember/utils";
import $ from "jquery";
import { scheduleOnce } from "@ember/runloop";
import { translationMacro as t } from 'ember-i18n';

export default Component.extend({

    Array of search objects.

    @property sitemap
    @type Array
  sitemap: [],

    Result array consisting of filtered objects.

    @property _results
    @type Array
  _results: [],

    User input from .sitemap-search-input.

    @property lastKeyPress
    @type string
  userQuery: null,

    Toggler for showing .sitemap-search-results-list.

    @property isShowingResults
    @type boolean
  isShowingResults: false,

    Default class for component wrapper.

    @property classNames
    @type Array
  classNames: ['sitemap-searchbar', 'ui', 'search'],

    Flag for showing error message if user query doesn't get any hits.

    @property noHits
    @type boolean
  noHits: computed('_results', 'userQuery', function() {
    const results = this.get('_results');
    if (results) {
      return results.length === 0 && !isEmpty(this.get('userQuery'));

    return undefined;

    Event timestamp in milliseconds.

    @property lastKeyPress
    @type number
  lastKeyPress: 0,

    Component's input placeholder.

    @property placeholder
    @type String
    @default t('components.flexberry-sitemap-searchbar.placeholder')
  placeholder: t('components.flexberry-sitemap-searchbar.placeholder'),

   * Recursively returns filtered sitemap.
   * @param regexQuery
   * @param currentTree
   * @private
   * @function _searchTree
  _searchTree(regexQuery, currentTree) {
    let resultTree = [];

    currentTree.forEach(element => {
      if (this._elementMatchesRegex(regexQuery, element)) {
        let matchingNode = $.extend(true, {}, element);
      } else if (this._elementHasChildren(element)) {
        let resultChildren = this._searchTree(regexQuery, element.children);

        if (resultChildren.length > 0) {
          const { link, caption, title } = element;
          resultTree.push({ link, caption, title, children: resultChildren });

    return resultTree;

   * Checks element caption string for regex.
   * @param regex
   * @param element
   * @private
   * @function _elementMatchesRegex
  _elementMatchesRegex(regex, element) {
    if (element.caption) {
      return regex.test(element.caption.string);
    } else {
      return regex.test(element.title.string);

   * Checks if element has children.
   * @param element
   * @private
   * @function _elementHasChildren
  _elementHasChildren(element) {
    return (typeof element === 'object') && (!isEmpty(element.children));

   * Runs search.
   * @private
   * @function _startSearch
  _startSearch() {
    let query = this.get('userQuery').toLowerCase();
    let regexQuery = new RegExp(`${query}`, 'gi');
    this.set('_results', this._searchTree(regexQuery, this.get('sitemap')));

  actions: {
     Initiate sitemap search.

     @function startSearch
    startSearch() {
      this.set('isShowingResults', true);
      let query = this.get('userQuery').toLowerCase();

      if (query) {
        // Recursive search will be initiated only if last keypress happened more than 200 ms ago (for performance reasons).

        scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, this._startSearch);

      } else {
        this.set('_results', this.get('sitemap'));

     Toggle isShowingResults prop.

     @function toggleResultsList
    toggleResultsList() {
      if (!$('.icon-guideline-search').hasClass('visible')) {

     Click on the search icon handler.

     @function clickSearchIcon
     clickSearchIcon() {
    Initializes DOM-related component's logic.
  didInsertElement() {
    this.set('_results', this.get('sitemap'));

    this.$(document).on('click', e => {

      try {
        let clickTargetIsNotComponent = !e.target.offsetParent.classList.contains('sitemap-search-results-list') &&
        !e.target.classList.contains('sitemap-search-results-list') &&
        !e.target.classList.contains('sitemap-search-input') &&
        !e.target.classList.contains('sitemap-search-icon') &&
        if (clickTargetIsNotComponent) {
          this.set('isShowingResults', false);
          if ($('.ui.sidebar.main.menu').hasClass('sidebar-mini')) {
      } catch (err) {      