  @module ember-flexberry

import Component from '@ember/component';
import { isBlank, isNone } from '@ember/utils';
import { observer } from '@ember/object';
import { translationMacro as t } from 'ember-i18n';

  Component's CSS-classes names.
  JSON-object containing string constants with CSS-classes names related to component's .hbs markup elements.

  @property {Object} flexberryClassNames
  @property {String} flexberryClassNames.prefix Component's CSS-class names prefix ('flexberry-jsonarea').
  @property {String} flexberryClassNames.wrapper Component's wrapping <div> CSS-class name ('flexberry-jsonarea').
  @property {String} flexberryClassNames.textArea Component's editable text area CSS-class name ('flexberry-jsonarea-textarea').
  @property {String} flexberryClassNames.editButon Component's edit button CSS-class name ('flexberry-jsonarea-edit-button').

  @for FlexberryJsonareaComponent
const flexberryClassNamesPrefix = 'flexberry-jsonarea';
const flexberryClassNames = {
  prefix: flexberryClassNamesPrefix,
  wrapper: flexberryClassNamesPrefix,
  textArea: flexberryClassNamesPrefix + '-textarea',
  editButon: flexberryClassNamesPrefix + '-edit-button',

  Flexberry json area component with.

  @class FlexberryJsonareaComponent
  @extends <a href="https://emberjs.com/api/ember/release/classes/Component">Component</a>
let FlexberryJsonareaComponent = Component.extend({
    Flag: indicates whether to show error message or not.

    @property _showErrorMessage
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  _showErrorMessage: false,

    Error message caption.

    @property _errorMessageCaption
    @type String
    @default t('components.flexberry-jsonarea.parse-error.caption')
  _errorMessageCaption: t('components.flexberry-jsonarea.parse-error.caption'),

    Error message.

    @property _errorMessage
    @type String
    @default ''
  _errorMessage: '',

    Flag: indicates whether JSON is editing now.

    @property _isEditing
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  _isEditing: false,

    Strigified component's value.

    @property _jsonText
    @type String
    @default ''
  _jsonText: '',

    Reference to component's CSS-classes names.
    Must be also a component's instance property to be available from component's .hbs template.

    Component's wrapping <div> CSS-classes names.

    Any other CSS-classes can be added through component's 'class' property.

    @property classNames
    @type String[]
    @default ['flexberry-jsonarea', 'ui', 'celled', 'grid']
  classNames: [flexberryClassNames.wrapper, 'ui', 'celled', 'grid'],

    Component's placeholder.

    @property placeholder
    @type String
    @default t('components.flexberry-jsonarea.placeholder')
  placeholder: t('components.flexberry-jsonarea.placeholder'),

    Flag: indicates whether component is in readonly mode or not.

    @property readonly
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  readonly: false,

    Component's value.

    @property value
    @type Object
    @default null
  value: null,

  actions: {
    onEditButtonClick() {
      if (this.get('readonly')) {
        return true;

      let jsonMustBeSaved = this.get('_isEditing');
      if (jsonMustBeSaved) {
        try {
          let text = this.get('_jsonText');
          let value = isBlank(text) ? null : JSON.parse(text);
          this.set('value', value);

          this.set('_errorMessage', '');
          this.set('_showErrorMessage', false);

        } catch (ex) {
          this.set('_errorMessage', ex.message);
          this.set('_showErrorMessage', true);
      } else {

    onErrorMessageShow() {
      this.set('_showErrorMessage', true);

    onErrorMessageHide() {
      this.set('_showErrorMessage', false);

  init() {

    Observes changes in value.
    Changes related stringified value.

    @method _valueDidChange
  _valueDidChange: observer('value', function() {
    let value = this.get('value');
    if (isNone(value)) {
      this.set('_jsonText', '');

    this.set('_jsonText', window.js_beautify(
      JSON.stringify(value)), {
        indent_size: 2

// Add component's CSS-class names as component's class static constants
// to make them available outside of the component instance.

export default FlexberryJsonareaComponent;