  @module ember-flexberry

import Ember from 'ember'; //TODO Import Module. Replace Ember.uuid()
import $ from 'jquery';
import RSVP from 'rsvp';
import { typeOf, isBlank, isNone } from '@ember/utils';
import { isArray } from '@ember/array';
import { run, bind } from '@ember/runloop';
import { computed, observer } from '@ember/object';
import { copy } from '@ember/object/internals';
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
import FlexberryBaseComponent from './flexberry-base-component';
import { translationMacro as t } from 'ember-i18n';
import { getSizeInUnits } from '../utils/file-size-units-converter';

  Flexberry file component.

  Usage sample:
  {{flexberry-file value=model.file uploadUrl="http://myApplication/api/File"}}

  @class FlexberryFileComponent
  @extends FlexberryBaseComponent
export default FlexberryBaseComponent.extend({
    Available file size units with its captions.

    @property _fileSizeUnits
    @type Object
  _fileSizeUnits: computed(() => ({
    Bt: t('components.flexberry-file.error-dialog-size-unit-bt'),
    Kb: t('components.flexberry-file.error-dialog-size-unit-kb'),
    Mb: t('components.flexberry-file.error-dialog-size-unit-mb'),
    Gb: t('components.flexberry-file.error-dialog-size-unit-gb')

    Selected file content. It can be used as source for image tag in order to view preview.

    @property _previewImageAsBase64String
    @type String
    @default null
  _previewImageAsBase64String: null,

    File input identifier.

    @property _fileInputId
    @type String
  _fileInputId: computed('elementId', function() {
    let fileInputId = 'flexberry-file-file-input-';
    let elementId = this.get('elementId');
    if (isBlank(elementId)) {
      fileInputId += Ember.uuid();
    } else {
      fileInputId += elementId;

    return fileInputId;

    Copy of value created at initialization moment or after successful upload.

    @property _initialValue
    @type String
  _initialValue: null,

    Deserialized copy of value created at initialization moment or after successful upload.

    @property _jsonInitialValue
    @type Object
  _jsonInitialValue: computed('_initialValue', function() {
    let initialValue = this.get('_initialValue');
    return typeOf(initialValue) === 'string' && !isBlank(initialValue) ? JSON.parse(initialValue) : null;

    Deserialized value of file component.

    @property _jsonValue
    @type Object
  _jsonValue: computed('value', function() {
    let value = this.get('value');
    return typeOf(value) === 'string' && !isBlank(value) ? JSON.parse(value) : null;

    File name.
    It is binded to component file name input, so every change to fileName will automatically change file name input value.

    @property _fileName
    @type String
  _fileName: computed('_jsonValue.fileName', function() {
    let fileName = this.get('_jsonValue.fileName');
    if (isNone(fileName)) {
      return '';

    return fileName;

    Flag: indicates whether some file is added now or not.

    @property _hasFile
    @type Boolean
  _hasFile: computed('_jsonValue', function() {
    return !isNone(this.get('_jsonValue'));

    Data from jQuery fileupload plugin (contains selected file).

    @property _uploadData
    @type Object
    @default null
  _uploadData: null,

    Copy of data from jQuery fileupload plugin (contains selected file).

    @property _uploadDataCopy
    @type Object
    @default null
  _uploadDataCopy: null,

    Current file selected for upload.

    @property _selectedFile
    @type Object
  _selectedFile: computed('_uploadData', function() {
    let uploadData = this.get('_uploadData');
    return uploadData && uploadData.files && uploadData.files.length > 0 ? uploadData.files[0] : null;

    Flag: indicates whether file upload is in progress now.

    @property _uploadIsInProgress
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  _uploadIsInProgress: false,

    Flag: indicates whether file preview download is in progress now.

    @property _previewDownloadIsInProgress
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  _previewDownloadIsInProgress: false,

    Flag: indicates whether add button is visible now.

    @property _addButtonIsVisible
    @type Boolean
  _addButtonIsVisible: computed('readonly', function() {
    return !this.get('readonly');

    Flag: indicates whether add button is enabled now.

    @property _addButtonIsEnabled
    @type Boolean
  _addButtonIsEnabled: computed('_uploadIsInProgress', function() {
    let uploadIsInProgress = this.get('_uploadIsInProgress');
    return !uploadIsInProgress;

    Flag: indicates whether remove button is visible now.

    @property _removeButtonIsVisible
    @type Boolean
  _removeButtonIsVisible: computed('readonly', function() {
    return !this.get('readonly');

    Flag: indicates whether remove button is enabled now.

    @property _removeButtonIsEnabled
    @type Boolean
  _removeButtonIsEnabled: computed('_uploadIsInProgress', 'value', function() {
    let uploadIsInProgress = this.get('_uploadIsInProgress');
    let jsonValue = this.get('_jsonValue');

    return !(uploadIsInProgress || isNone(jsonValue));

    Flag: indicates whether upload button is visible now.

    @property _uploadButtonIsVisible
    @type Boolean
  _uploadButtonIsVisible: computed('readonly', 'showUploadButton', function() {
    return !this.get('readonly') && this.get('showUploadButton');

    Flag: indicates whether upload button is enabled now.

    @property _uploadButtonIsEnabled
    @type Boolean
  _uploadButtonIsEnabled: computed('_uploadIsInProgress', '_uploadData', function() {
    let uploadIsInProgress = this.get('_uploadIsInProgress');
    let selectedFile = this.get('_selectedFile');

    return !(uploadIsInProgress || isNone(selectedFile));

    Flag: indicates whether download button is visible now.

    @property _downloadButtonIsVisible
    @type Boolean
  _downloadButtonIsVisible: computed('showDownloadButton', function() {
    // Download button is always visible (but disabled if download is not available).
    return this.get('showDownloadButton');

    Flag: indicates whether download button is enabled now.

    @property _downloadButtonIsEnabled
    @type Boolean
  _downloadButtonIsEnabled: computed('_uploadIsInProgress', '_initialValue', function() {
    let uploadIsInProgress = this.get('_uploadIsInProgress');
    let jsonInitialValue = this.get('_jsonInitialValue');

    return !(uploadIsInProgress || isNone(jsonInitialValue));

    Caption to be displayed in error modal dialog.
    It will be displayed only if some error occurs.

    @property _errorModalDialogCaption
    @type String
    @default t('components.flexberry-file.error-dialog-caption')
  _errorModalDialogCaption: t('components.flexberry-file.error-dialog-caption'),

    Content to be displayed in error modal dialog.
    It will be displayed only if some error occurs.

    @property _errorModalDialogContent
    @type String
    @default t('components.flexberry-file.error-dialog-content')
  _errorModalDialogContent: t('components.flexberry-file.error-dialog-content'),

    Caption to be displayed in loaded file table cell.
    It will be displayed only if preview can't be loaded.

    @property _errorPreviewCaption
    @type String
    @default t('components.flexberry-file.error-preview-caption')
  _errorPreviewCaption: t('components.flexberry-file.error-preview-caption'),

    Selected jQuery object, containing HTML of error modal dialog.

    @property _errorModalDialog
    @type <a href="http://api.jquery.com/Types/#jQuery">JQueryObject</a>
    @default null
  _errorModalDialog: null,

    Component's wrapping <div> CSS-class names.

    @property classNames
    @type String[]
    @default ['flexberry-file']
  classNames: ['flexberry-file'],

    Components class names bindings.

    @property classNameBindings
    @type String[]
    @default ['readonly:disabled']
  classNameBindings: ['readonly:disabled'],

    Component's input additional CSS-class names.
    See [Semantic UI inputs classes](http://semantic-ui.com/elements/input.html).

    @property inputClass
    @type String
    @default ''
  inputClass: '',

    CSS-classes names for component's add, remove, upload, download buttons.
    See [Semantic UI buttons classes](http://semantic-ui.com/elements/button.html).

    @property buttonClass
    @type String
    @default ''
  buttonClass: '',

    Path to component's settings in application configuration (JSON from ./config/environment.js).

    @property appConfigSettingsPath
    @type String
    @default 'APP.components.flexberryFile'
  appConfigSettingsPath: 'APP.components.flexberryFile',

    Name of the action which will be send outside after click on selected image preview.

    @property viewImageAction
    @type String
    @default 'flexberryFileViewImageAction'
  viewImageAction: 'flexberryFileViewImageAction',

    Value of file component (contains serialized file metadata such as fileName, fileSize, etc.).
    It is binded to related model property, so every change to value will automatically change model property.

    @property value
    @type String
  value: null,

    Flag: indicates whether to upload file on 'relatedModel' 'preSave' event.

    @property uploadOnModelPreSave
    @type Boolean
    @default true
  uploadOnModelPreSave: undefined,

    Flag: indicates whether to show preview element for images or not.

    @property showPreview
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  showPreview: false,

    indicates whether preview img can be loaded when show.

    @property _canLoadPreview
    @type Boolean
    @default true
  _canLoadPreview: true,

    Flag: indicates whether to show upload button or not.

    @property showUploadButton
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  showUploadButton: undefined,

    Flag: indicates whether to show download button or not.

    @property showDownloadButton
    @type Boolean
    @default true
  showDownloadButton: undefined,

    Maximum file size in bytes for uploading files.
    It should be greater then 0 and less or equal then APP.components.file.maxUploadFileSize from application config\environment.
    If null or undefined, then APP.components.file.maxUploadFileSize from application config\environment will be used.

    @property maxUploadFileSize
    @type Number
  maxUploadFileSize: undefined,

    Maximum file size unit. May be 'Bt' 'Kb' 'Mb' or 'Gb'.

    @property maxUploadFileSizeUnit
    @type String
    @default 'Bt'
  maxUploadFileSizeUnit: 'Bt',

    Text to be displayed instead of file name, if file has not been selected.

    @property placeholder
    @type String
    @default t('components.flexberry-file.placeholder')
  placeholder: t('components.flexberry-file.placeholder'),

    File upload URL.
    If null or undefined, then APP.components.file.uploadUrl from application config\environment will be used.

    @property uploadUrl
    @type String
  uploadUrl: undefined,

    Flag: indicates whether to show modal dialog on upload errors or not.

    @property showModalDialogOnUploadError
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  showModalDialogOnUploadError: undefined,

    Flag: download by clicking download or open file in new window.

    @property openInNewWindowInsteadOfLoading
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  openFileInNewWindowInsteadOfLoading: undefined,

    Headers to the file upload request.

    @property headers
    @type Object
    @default null
  headers: null,

    Settings for preview modal dialog.

    @property previewSettings
    @type Object
    @default null
  previewSettings: null,

    Available file extensions for upload. In MIME type format.
    See [the documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file#accept) for more details.

    @property accept
    @type String
    @default undefined
  accept: undefined,

    Function with custom check for type of uploaded file.

    @property isValidTypeFileCustom
    @type Function
    @default null
  isValidTypeFileCustom: null,

    External Base64 string
    @property base64Value
    @type String
    @default null
  base64Value: null,

    Name for base64 file. {base64FileName}.{base64FileExtension}
    @property base64FileName
    @type String
    @default null
  base64FileName: null,

    Extension for base64 file. {base64FileName}.{base64FileExtension}
    @property base64FileExtension
    @type String
    @default null
  base64FileExtension: null,

    Flag: Is the drag-and-drop event currently proceed.
    @property isDrag
    @type Boolean
    @default false
  isDrag: false,

  actions: {
      Handles click on selected image preview and sends action with data outside component
      in order to view selected image at modal window.

      @method actions.viewLoadedImage
    viewLoadedImage() {
      let fileName = this.get('_fileName');
      let previewImageAsBase64String = this.get('_previewImageAsBase64String');
      if (!isBlank(fileName) && !isBlank(previewImageAsBase64String)) {
        let settings = this.get('previewSettings');

        /* eslint-disable ember/closure-actions */
        this.sendAction('viewImageAction', {
          fileSrc: previewImageAsBase64String,
          fileName: fileName,
          settings: settings
        /* eslint-enable ember/closure-actions */

      Handles click on add button.

      @method actions.addButtonClick
    addButtonClick() {
      // Add button's label is attached to file input through label's 'for' attribute in component's template,
      // so there is no any necessary logic here, file dialog will be opened by browser automatically.

      Handles click on remove button.

      @method actions.removeButtonClick
    removeButtonClick() {

      Handles click on upload button.

      @method actions.uploadButtonClick
    uploadButtonClick() {

      Handles click on download button.

      @method actions.downloadButtonClick
    downloadButtonClick() {

    Handles drag enter event.
    @param {Event} event Event
  dragEnter(event) {
    if (event.preventDefault) {

    this.set('isDrag', true);

    Handles drag over event.
    @param {Event} event Event
  dragOver(event) {
    if (event.preventDefault) {

    this.set('isDrag', true);

    Handles drag leave event.
    @param {Event} event Event
  dragLeave(event) {
    if (event.preventDefault) {

    this.set('isDrag', false);

    Handles drag drop event.
    @param {Event} event Event
  drop(event) {
    if (event.preventDefault) {

    this.set('isDrag', false);

    let uploadData = {
      files: event.dataTransfer.files

    this.addFile(this, event, uploadData);

    Add data to control.
    @param {Object} _this Owner
    @param {Event} e Event
    @param {Object} uploadData Upload data.
  addFile: function(_this, e, uploadData) {
    let selectedFile = uploadData && uploadData.files && uploadData.files.length > 0 ? uploadData.files[0] : null;

    const accept = _this.get('accept');
    const fileType = selectedFile.type;
    const fileName = selectedFile.name;

    if (!_this._isValidTypeFile(fileType, accept)) {

    let maxUploadFileSize = _this.get('maxUploadFileSize');

    if (!isNone(maxUploadFileSize)) {
        `Wrong value of flexberry-file \`maxUploadFileSize\` propery: \`${maxUploadFileSize}\`.` +
        ` Allowed value is a number >= 0.`, typeOf(maxUploadFileSize) === 'number' && maxUploadFileSize >= 0);

      let sizeUnit = _this.get('maxUploadFileSizeUnit');
      if (!(sizeUnit in _this.get('_fileSizeUnits'))) {
        console.log('Flexberry-file error, file max size wrong units assigned');
        sizeUnit = Object.keys(_this.get('_fileSizeUnits'))[0];

      let fileSizeInUnits = getSizeInUnits(selectedFile.size, sizeUnit);

      // Prevent files greater then maxUploadFileSize.
      if (fileSizeInUnits > maxUploadFileSize) {
        _this.showFileSizeErrorModalDialog(selectedFile.name, fileSizeInUnits, maxUploadFileSize, sizeUnit);

        // Break file upload.

    uploadData.headers = _this.get('headers');
    _this.set('_uploadData', uploadData);

    Initializes {{#crossLink "FlexberryFileComponent"}}flexberry-file{{/crossLink}} component.
  init() {

    // Remember initial value.
    let value = this.get('value');
    this.set('_initialValue', copy(value, true));

    // Initialize properties which defaults could be defined in application configuration.
    this.initProperty({ propertyName: 'uploadUrl', defaultValue: null });
    this.initProperty({ propertyName: 'maxUploadFileSize', defaultValue: null });
    this.initProperty({ propertyName: 'uploadOnModelPreSave', defaultValue: true });
    this.initProperty({ propertyName: 'showUploadButton', defaultValue: false });
    this.initProperty({ propertyName: 'showDownloadButton', defaultValue: true });
    this.initProperty({ propertyName: 'showModalDialogOnUploadError', defaultValue: false });
    this.initProperty({ propertyName: 'showModalDialogOnDownloadError', defaultValue: true });
    this.initProperty({ propertyName: 'openFileInNewWindowInsteadOfLoading', defaultValue: false });
    this.initProperty({ propertyName: 'base64FileName', defaultValue: null });
    this.initProperty({ propertyName: 'base64FileExtension', defaultValue: null });

    // Bind related model's 'preSave' event handler's context & subscribe on related model's 'preSave'event.
    this.set('_onRelatedModelPreSave', this.get('_onRelatedModelPreSave').bind(this));

    Hook for base64Value update.
    It runs "change" event on file-input to update file from base64Value if base64FileName and base64FileExtension set.
  didReceiveAttrs() {
    if (this.get('base64Value')) {
      assert(`If you use base64 files, properties "base64FileName" and "base64FileExtension" can't be null or undefined`,
      (this.get('base64FileName') && this.get('base64FileExtension')));

    Initializes {{#crossLink "FlexberryFileComponent"}}flexberry-file{{/crossLink}} component DOM-related properties.
  didInsertElement() {

    // Initialize SemanticUI modal dialog, and remember it in a component property,
    // because after call to errorModalDialog.modal its html will disappear from DOM.
    let errorModalDialog = this.$('.flexberry-file-error-modal-dialog');
    errorModalDialog.modal('setting', 'closable', false);
    this.set('_errorModalDialog', errorModalDialog);

    // jQuery fileupload 'add' callback.
    let onFileAdd = (e, uploadData) => {
      this.addFile(this, e, uploadData);

    let onFileChange = (e, uploadData) => {
      this.set('_canLoadPreview', true);
      let fileName = `${this.get('base64FileName')}.${this.get('base64FileExtension')}`;
      if (this.get('base64Value')) {
        uploadData.files = [this._dataURLtoFile(this.get('base64Value'), fileName)];
        this.set('base64Value', null);
        onFileAdd(e, uploadData);

    // Initialize jQuery fileupload plugin (https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki/API).
      // Disable autoUpload.
      autoUpload: false,

      // Type of data that is expected back from the server.
      dataType: 'json',

      // Maximum number of files to be selected and uploaded.
      maxNumberOfFiles: 1,

      // Enable single file uploads.
      singleFileUploads: true,

      // Disable drag&drop file adding.
      dropZone: null,

      // A string containing the URL to which the upload request should be sent.
      url: this.get('uploadUrl'),

      // File add handler.
      add: onFileAdd,

      // File change handler. For base64 implmentation
      change: onFileChange

    Changes url in jQuery fileupload when uploadUrl changed.
  uploadUrlObserver: observer('uploadUrl', function() {
    if (isNone(this.get('_uploadData'))) {
      this.set('_uploadData', this.get('_uploadDataCopy'));

    this.set('_initialValue', null);

    Method converts base64 string to File

    @method _dataURLtoFile
    @param {String} dataUrl Base64 string
    @param {String} fileName Filename for saving
  _dataURLtoFile(dataUrl, fileName) {
    try {
      let arr = dataUrl.split(',');
      let mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1];
      let bstr = atob(arr[1]);
      let n = bstr.length;
      let u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
      while (n--) {
        u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);

      return new File([u8arr], fileName, { type: mime });
    catch (error) {
      this.showUploadErrorModalDialog(fileName, error.message);
      return null;

    Destroys {{#crossLink "FlexberryFileComponent"}}flexberry-file{{/crossLink}} component.
  willDestroyElement() {


    // Unsubscribe from related model's 'preSave'event.

    Removes selected file.

    @method removeFile
  removeFile() {
    this.set('_uploadData', null);
    this.set('_uploadDataCopy', null);
    this.set('value', null);
    this.set('_previewImageAsBase64String', null);
    this.set('base64Value', null);

    Uploads selected file.

    @method uploadFile
  uploadFile() {
    let file = this.get('_selectedFile');

    if (isNone(file)) {
      if (!this.get('_hasFile')) {
        this.set('value', null);
        this.set('_initialValue', null);

      return null;

    return new RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      this.set('_uploadIsInProgress', true);

      let uploadData = this.get('_uploadData');
      let initialValue = this.get('_initialValue');
      if (!isNone(initialValue)) {
        uploadData.formData = {
          // Metadata about previously uploaded file.
          previousFileDescription: initialValue

      uploadData.submit().done((result, textStatus, jqXhr) => {
        let value = jqXhr.responseText;

        this.set('value', value);
        this.set('_initialValue', copy(value, true));
        this.set('_uploadDataCopy', this.get('_uploadData'));
        this.set('_uploadData', null);

        if (!isNone(this.get('uploadSuccess'))) {
            uploadData: uploadData,
            response: jqXhr,
            value: value

      }).fail((jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) => {
        let errorContent = this.showUploadErrorModalDialog(file.name, errorThrown ? ' (' + errorThrown + ')' : '');
        if (!isNone(this.get('uploadFail'))) {
            uploadData: uploadData,
            response: jqXhr,
            value: this.get('value')
        reject(new Error(errorContent));
      }).always(() => {
        this.set('_uploadIsInProgress', false);

    Downloads previously uploaded file.

    @method downloadFile
  downloadFile() {
    let fileName = this.get('_jsonInitialValue.fileName');
    let fileUrl = this.get('_jsonInitialValue.fileUrl');
    if (isBlank(fileUrl)) {
      return null;

      url: fileUrl,
      headers: this.get('headers'),
      fileName: fileName,
      openFileInNewWindowInsteadOfLoading: this.get('openFileInNewWindowInsteadOfLoading'),
      onSuccess: () => {
        /* eslint-disable ember/closure-actions */
        /* eslint-enable ember/closure-actions */
      onError: (errorMessage) => {
        this.showDownloadErrorModalDialog(fileName, errorMessage);

    Shows error modal dialog.

    @method showErrorModalDialog
    @param {String} errorCaption Error caption (window header caption).
    @param {String} errorContent Error content (window body content).
    @returns {String} Error content.
  showErrorModalDialog(errorCaption, errorContent) {
    let errorModalDialog = this.get('_errorModalDialog');
    if (errorModalDialog && errorModalDialog.modal) {
      this.set('_errorModalDialogCaption', errorCaption);
      this.set('_errorModalDialogContent', errorContent);

    return errorContent;

  /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
  previewError(fileName) {
    this.set('_canLoadPreview', false);
  /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */

    Shows file size errors if there were some.

    @method showUploadErrorModalDialog
    @param {String} fileName Added file name.
    @param {String} actualFileSize Actual size of added file.
    @param {String} maxFileSize Max file size allowed.
    @param {String} sizeUnit Max file size unit.
    @returns {String} Error content.
  showFileSizeErrorModalDialog(fileName, actualFileSize, maxFileSize, sizeUnit) {
    let i18n = this.get('i18n');
    let actualFileSizeRoundedString = actualFileSize.toFixed(1);
    let errorCaption = i18n.t('components.flexberry-file.add-file-error-caption');
    let errorContent = i18n.t('components.flexberry-file.file-too-big-error-message', {
      fileName: fileName,
      actualFileSize: actualFileSizeRoundedString,
      maxFileSize: maxFileSize,
      sizeUnit: sizeUnit

    this.showErrorModalDialog(errorCaption, errorContent);

    return errorContent;

    Shows file extension errors if there were some.

    @method showFileExtensionErrorModalDialog
    @param {String} fileName Added file name.
    @returns {String} Error content.
  showFileExtensionErrorModalDialog(fileName) {
    let i18n = this.get('i18n');
    let errorCaption = i18n.t('components.flexberry-file.add-file-error-caption');
    let errorContent = i18n.t('components.flexberry-file.file-extension-error-message', {
      fileName: fileName,

    this.showErrorModalDialog(errorCaption, errorContent);

    return errorContent;

    Shows errors if there were some during file upload.

    @method showUploadErrorModalDialog
    @param {String} fileName File name.
    @param {String} errorMessage Message about error occurred during file upload.
    @returns {String} Error content.
  showUploadErrorModalDialog(fileName, errorMessage) {
    let i18n = this.get('i18n');
    let errorCaption = i18n.t('components.flexberry-file.upload-file-error-caption');
    let errorContent = i18n.t('components.flexberry-file.upload-file-error-message', {
      fileName: fileName,
      errorMessage: errorMessage
    if (this.get('showModalDialogOnUploadError')) {
      this.showErrorModalDialog(errorCaption, errorContent);

    return errorContent;

    Shows errors if there were some during file download.

    @method showDownloadErrorModalDialog
    @param {String} fileName File name.
    @param {String} errorMessage Message about error occurred during file download.
  showDownloadErrorModalDialog(fileName, errorMessage) {
    let i18n = this.get('i18n');
    let errorCaption = i18n.t('components.flexberry-file.download-file-error-caption');
    let errorContent = i18n.t('components.flexberry-file.download-file-error-message', {
      fileName: fileName,
      errorMessage: errorMessage

    if (this.get('showModalDialogOnDownloadError')) {
      this.showErrorModalDialog(errorCaption, errorContent);

    return errorContent;

    Handles related model's 'preSave' event.

    @method _onRelatedModelPreSave
    @param {Object} e Related model's 'preSave' event arguments.
    @param {Object[]} e.promises Related model's 'preSave' operations promises array.
  _onRelatedModelPreSave(e) {
    // Remove uploaded file from server, if related model is deleted, otherwise upload selected file to server.
    let fileOperationPromise = this.get('relatedModel.isDeleted') ? null : this.uploadFile();

    // Push file operation promise to events object's 'promises' array
    // (to keep model waiting until operation will be finished).
    if (!isNone(fileOperationPromise) && !isNone(e) && isArray(e.promises)) {

    Subscribes on related model's 'preSave' event.

    @method _subscribeOnRelatedModelPreSaveEvent
  _subscribeOnRelatedModelPreSaveEvent() {
    let uploadOnModelPreSave = this.get('uploadOnModelPreSave');
    if (!uploadOnModelPreSave) {

    let relatedModelOnPropertyType = typeOf(this.get('relatedModel.on'));
    assert(`Wrong type of \`relatedModel.on\` propery: actual type is ${relatedModelOnPropertyType}, but function is expected.`,
      relatedModelOnPropertyType === 'function');

    let relatedModel = this.get('relatedModel');
    relatedModel.on('preSave', this.get('_onRelatedModelPreSave'));

    Unsubscribes from related model's 'preSave' event.

    @method _unsubscribeFromRelatedModelPresaveEvent
  _unsubscribeFromRelatedModelPresaveEvent() {
    let uploadOnModelPreSave = this.get('uploadOnModelPreSave');
    if (!uploadOnModelPreSave) {

    let relatedModelOffPropertyType = typeOf(this.get('relatedModel.off'));
    assert(`Wrong type of \`relatedModel.off\` propery: actual type is ${relatedModelOffPropertyType}, but function is expected.`,
      relatedModelOffPropertyType === 'function');

    let relatedModel = this.get('relatedModel');
    relatedModel.off('preSave', this.get('_onRelatedModelPreSave'));

    Defines valid of file type.

    @method _isValidTypeFile
    @param {String} fileType file type as MIME TYPES.
    @param {String} accept available MIME TYPES.
  _isValidTypeFile(fileType, accept) {
    const isValidTypeFileCustom = this.get('isValidTypeFileCustom');

    if (isValidTypeFileCustom && (typeof isValidTypeFileCustom === 'function')) {
      return isValidTypeFileCustom(fileType, accept);

    const isFileTypeUndefined = fileType === '';
    const isFileTypeAvailable = !accept || (accept.indexOf(fileType) !== -1 && !isFileTypeUndefined);

    return isFileTypeAvailable;

    Value change handler.

    @method _valueDidChange
  _valueDidChange: observer('value', function() {
    const value = this.get('value');
    if (!value) {

        uploadData: this.get('_uploadData'),
        value: value

    Upload data change handler.

    @method _uploadDataDidChange
  _uploadDataDidChange: observer('_uploadData', function() {
    run(() => {
      const file = this.get('_selectedFile');

      if (!isNone(file)) {
        const fileJson = JSON.stringify({
          fileName: file.name,
          fileSize: file.size,
          fileMimeType: file.type

        if (fileJson !== this.get('value')) {
          this.set('_previewImageAsBase64String', null);

        this.set('value', fileJson);
      } else {
        this.set('_previewImageAsBase64String', null);

    Preview options change handler.

    @method _previewOptionsDidChange
  _previewOptionsDidChange: observer('showPreview', '_selectedFile', '_jsonValue.previewUrl', function() {
    if (!this.get('showPreview') || !isBlank(this.get('_previewImageAsBase64String'))) {

    let file = this.get('_selectedFile');
    if (!isNone(file)) {
      let reader = new FileReader();
      reader.onload = (e) => {
        this.set('_previewImageAsBase64String', e.target.result);
        this.set('_previewDownloadIsInProgress', false);

      this.set('_previewDownloadIsInProgress', true);


    let previewUrl = this.get('_jsonValue.previewUrl');
    if (!isBlank(previewUrl)) {
      // Download file preview.
      this.set('_previewDownloadIsInProgress', true);

      /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
      $.ajax(previewUrl).done((data, textStatus, jqXHR) => {
        bind(this, this.set('_previewImageAsBase64String', data));
      }).fail((jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) => {
      }).always(() => {
        this.set('_previewDownloadIsInProgress', false);
      /* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */