@module ember-flexberry
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { typeOf } from '@ember/utils';
import { htmlSafe, isHTMLSafe } from '@ember/string';
import { get, computed } from '@ember/object';
import $ from 'jquery';
import RequiredActionsMixin from '../mixins/required-actions';
import DynamicActionsMixin from '../mixins/dynamic-actions';
import DynamicPropertiesMixin from '../mixins/dynamic-properties';
Component's CSS-classes names.
JSON-object containing string constants with CSS-classes names related to component's .hbs markup elements.
@property {Object} flexberryClassNames
@property {String} flexberryClassNames.prefix Component's CSS-class names prefix ('flexberry-button').
@property {String} flexberryClassNames.wrapper Component's wrapping <div> CSS-class name ('flexberry-button').
@for FlexberryDdauCheckboxComponent
const flexberryClassNamesPrefix = 'flexberry-button';
const flexberryClassNames = {
prefix: flexberryClassNamesPrefix,
wrapper: flexberryClassNamesPrefix
Flexberry button component with [Semantic UI button](http://semantic-ui.com/modules/button.html) style.
caption="My button"
click=(action "onMyButtonClick")
actions: {
onMyButtonClick(e) {
// Log jQuery 'click' event object triggered after checkbox input was clicked.
console.log('My button clicked. jQuery \'click\' event-object: ', e.originalEvent);
@class FlexberryButtonComponent
@extends <a href="https://emberjs.com/api/ember/release/classes/Component">Component</a>
@uses RequiredActionsMixin
@uses DynamicActionsMixin
@uses DynamicPropertiesMixin
let FlexberryButtonComponent = Component.extend(
DynamicPropertiesMixin, {
Flag: indicates whether button has caption or not.
@property _hasCaption
@type Boolean
_hasCaption: computed('caption', function () {
let caption = this.get('caption');
return typeOf(caption) === 'string' && $.trim(caption) !== '' ||
typeOf(isHTMLSafe) === 'function' && isHTMLSafe(caption) && $.trim(get(caption, 'string')) !== '' ||
caption instanceof htmlSafe && $.trim(get(caption, 'string')) !== '';
Flag: indicates whether button has icon or not.
@property _hasIcon
@type Boolean
_hasIcon: computed('iconClass', function () {
let iconClass = this.get('iconClass');
return typeOf(iconClass) === 'string' && $.trim(iconClass) !== '';
Flag: indicates whether button has icon only (without caption).
@property _hasIconOnly
@type Boolean
_hasIconOnly: computed('_hasIcon', '_hasCaption', function () {
return this.get('_hasIcon') && !this.get('_hasCaption');
Reference to component's CSS-classes names.
Must be also a component's instance property to be available from component's .hbs template.
Overridden ['tagName'](https://emberjs.com/api/ember/release/classes/Component/properties/tagName?anchor=tagName)
to force <label> to be a component's wrapping element.
@property tagName
@type String
@default 'label'
tagName: 'label',
Component's wrapping <div> CSS-classes names.
Any other CSS-classes can be added through component's 'class' property.
caption="My red button"
click=(action "onMyRedButtonClick")
@property classNames
@type String[]
@default ['flexberry-button', 'ui', 'button']
classNames: [flexberryClassNames.wrapper, 'ui', 'button'],
Components class names bindings.
@property classNameBindings
@type String[]
@default ['readonly:disabled', '_hasIconOnly:icon']
classNameBindings: ['readonly:disabled', '_hasIconOnly:icon'],
Components attributes bindings.
@property attributeBindings
@type String[]
@default ['tooltip:title']
attributeBindings: ['tooltip:title'],
Component's caption.
@property caption
@type String
@default null
caption: null,
Component's tooltip text.
Will be added as wrapper's element 'title' attribute.
@property tooltip
@default null
tooltip: null,
Component's icon CSS-class names.
@property iconClass
@type String
@default null
iconClass: null,
Flag: indicates whether component is in readonly mode.
@property readonly
@type Boolean
@default false
readonly: false
// Add component's CSS-class names as component's class static constants
// to make them available outside of the component instance.
export default FlexberryButtonComponent;