 * Object that passes as query parameter to [DS.Store]( methods for reading data.
 * @module ember-flexberry-data
 * @class QueryObject
export default class QueryObject {

   * @param modelName {String} The model name of the requested entities.
   * @param id {String|Number} The id of the requested entity.
   * @param projectionName {String} The name of used projection for reading the requested entities.
   * @param predicate {BasePredicate} The predicate that contains filtering conditions for requested entities.
   * @param order {OrderByClause} Ordering conditions for requested entities.
   * @param top {Number} The number of items in the queried collection to be included in the result.
   * @param skip {Number} The number of items in the queried collection that are to be skipped and not included in the result.
   * @param count {Boolean} Flag indicates to request a count of the matching entities included with the entities in the response.
   * @param expand {Object} Specifies the related entities to be included in line with retrieved entities.
   * @param select {Object} A specific set of properties for each requested entity.
   * @param primaryKeyName {Object} The name of primary key field for specified model name in modelName property.
   * @param extend {Object} An additional computed set of properties for each requested entity. Based on properties in predicate and order, but not included in select and expand.
   * @param customQueryParams {Object} An additional query parameters.
   * @param dataType {String} A data type for the request. Supported types: 'json' and 'blob'.
   * @class QueryObject
   * @constructor
  constructor(modelName, id, projectionName, predicate, order, top, skip, count, expand, select, primaryKeyName, extend, customQueryParams, dataType) { = id;
    this.modelName = modelName;
    this.projectionName = projectionName;
    this.predicate = predicate;
    this.order = order; = top;
    this.skip = skip;
    this.count = count;
    this.expand = expand; = select;
    this.primaryKeyName = primaryKeyName;
    this.extend = extend;
    this.customQueryParams = customQueryParams;
    this.dataType = dataType;