  @module ember-flexberry-data

import { isNone } from '@ember/utils';
import Model from './model';
import OfflineModelMixin from '../mixins/offline-model';
import { attr } from '../utils/attributes';

  Model with projections and additional metadata for offline support.
  All metadata properties will be added to all projections (also for relationships).

  @class Model
  @extends <a href="">DS.Projection.Model</a>
  @uses Offline.ModelMixin
let OfflineModel = Model.extend(OfflineModelMixin, {

let modelDefineProjection = OfflineModel.defineProjection;

  defineProjection(projectionName, modelName, attributes) {
    function addSycPropertiesToProjection(proj, attrs) {
      attrs.createTime = attr('Creation Time', { hidden: true });
      attrs.creator = attr('Creator', { hidden: true });
      attrs.editTime = attr('Edit Time', { hidden: true });
      attrs.editor = attr('Editor', { hidden: true });
      attrs.syncDownTime = attr('SyncDown Time', { hidden: true });
      attrs.readOnly = attr('Read Only', { hidden: true });
      proj.attributes = attrs;

      /* Add meta properties to all relationships in projection so they can
		    be serialized and deserialized in embedded records.*/
      for (let key in attrs) {
        if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(key) && !isNone(attrs[key].kind) &&
          (attrs[key].kind === 'belongsTo' || attrs[key].kind === 'hasMany')) {
          addSycPropertiesToProjection(attrs[key], attrs[key].attributes);

    if (modelDefineProjection) {
      let proj =, projectionName, modelName, attributes);
      let attrs = proj.attributes;
      addSycPropertiesToProjection(proj, attrs);
      this.projections.set(projectionName, proj);

export default OfflineModel;